Hospital Systems &
Outpatient Clinics

Elevating Healthcare
At Redefine Health Education, we believe that every individual should have the opportunity to address their health concerns and achieve their goals by working with a specialized care team at the primary care level.
Physical therapists triage, differentially diagnose, and establish care for the complete patient alongside other primary care providers.
Clinical Competencies for the Primary Care Therapist
Continuing education for rehab professionals who want to take their skillset to the next level by learning how to care for the complete patient. Refine your systems review by optimizing your skills in heart & lung auscultation, abdominal examination, labs & imaging, and understanding our role in managing diseases that affect population health.

Musculoskeletal Imaging
Optimize the management of every patient with
comprehensive curriculum for clinicians who order, recommend, or refer for musculoskeletal imaging. Learn about inherent statistical properties of various modalities and how it impacts imaging interpretations and clinical management.