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Master Imaging Cet

Musculoskeletal Imaging Certification

Join Dr. Lance Mabry, along with your cohort of forward-thinking peers, on a challenging journey that will advance your diagnostic skillset and improve your patient's outcomes.

Exclusive Access to BOTH Formats...

live Zoom webinars
online self-study

2023-24 Live Webinar Dates

1.  Intro to MSK Imaging - Sept 20th, 2023

2.  Clinical Response to Imaging Findings - Oct 18th, 2023

3.  Thoracolumbar Imaging- Nov 15th, 2023

4.  Hip & Pelvis Imaging - Dec 20th, 2023

5.  Knee Imaging - Jan 17th, 2024

6.  Foot & Ankle Imaging - Feb 21st, 2024

7.  Cervical Spine Imaging - March 20th, 2024

8.  Shoulder Imaging - April 17th, 2024

9.  Elbow, Wrist & Hand - May 15th, 2024


"But... I was told PTs can't order imaging,
so why should I take this course?"

Imaging competency is an essential component of neuromusculoskeletal differential diagnosis. It does not matter if you can place the orders yourself or not - you have a professional obligation to understand when and why imaging is indicated, what studies are most appropriate, and how to communicate findings to patients and other healthcare providers... and oh, by the way, direct referral for imaging by PTs is already happening in many US jurisdictions.

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Our Musculoskeletal Imaging Certification simplifies this sometimes complicated area of practice, with practical case-based learning in both live virtual and self-paced formats to best suit your needs.

Interested in taking the MSK Imaging Certification AND Foundations of Primary Care?  This track prepares you to becoming a systems review expert and an advanced generalist. Purchase together to save $100!

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On-Demand Imaging Courses

Individual Online Self-Study Courses

Earn CEUs at your pace with pre-recorded, on-demand course offering.

Watch all course modules, complete the course evaluation, and pass the quiz to earn your CEU certificate. 

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